What's New in Version 4.0.6
1. Partner space management is graded
Partner Space Management
- You can set partner space owners to efficiently manage partner space contacts and member permissions.
- Members can flexibly create or join a partner space, enriching the partner space contacts of their company easily.
- You can invite partner space contacts to specified groups for clearer contacts management.
- External companies can be set as visible to each other, and chats can be initiated as well, improving cross-company communication and collaboration efficiency.
Partner Space Group
- The "Partner Space Group" app is added, which is used to create, view, and manage group chats across companies.
- You can migrate partner space groups in WeChat to WeCom for central management, or directly upgrade them to partner space groups with richer features.
- WeChat users can directly scan the QR code to join a partner space group with their company identity. After users join the group, they can automatically join a partner space based on related configurations.
- The partner space chat toolbar is added. You can quickly use app pages in a private or group chat.
Permission Management
- Admins can configure whether members can create or join a partner space in the "Partner Space" app.
- For information security, admins can specify members who have the permission to join partner spaces of other companies.
- Within a partner space group, external companies cannot add each other as external contacts or initiate chats, ensuring information security.
2. Optimized Productivity Tools and Basic Experience
Switch Companies
- You can switch companies on PC to receive messages from different companies, enabling more efficient cross-company work.
- After a group meeting of external contacts is initiated, you can easily view participants who have joined the meeting or invite participants again in the group chat.
- After inviting members during a meeting, you can view the invitation status on the first screen, or invite members again.
- You can add members to the permission scope of a folder, after which they can view the folder in their shared list, making collaboration more flexible.
- Document members can be managed in one place on PC, making it easier to control the document permissions of multiple members.
- Notifications of document updates are optimized and document can be accessed easily.
- The column type of drop-down options supports reference to data of other cells, making it easier to configure and maintain the option list.
- For data validation and column type configuration, the feature of hiding content can be enabled. In this way, content entered by a member is only visible to the member as well as the document creator, for the sake of privacy protection.
- Toggle between classic toolbar and simple toolbar is supported. The new one displays two lines of features, enabling users to effectively edit a sheet even in a small window.
- Feedback can be added to forms. The admin can directly add feedback to a form, and the member who filled in the form can reply to the feedback, facilitating information confirmation.
- The approval scope of tag members can be configured in the approval process. After the configuration, an approval will be transferred to the specified approvers based on the approval scope.
- Approvers will receive summary notifications of pending requests.
- Regular schedule sending is supported for emails. You can specify when to send the email on the email composition page.
- WeDrive supports multi-column views, facilitating file browsing and management across folders.
- You can set remarks for group chats for easier identification.
- You can quickly adjust the font size with shortcut keys ("Command" + "+"/"-").
3. Upgraded Connect with WeChat
Customer Moments
- Statistics feature is added. With overview of members' posts, service quality can be measured in real time.
- The feature of stopping sharing to Customer Moments is supported. After the feature is enabled, members who have not shared the post are unable to share it anymore, ensuring that the post is up to date.
WeChat Customer Service
- WeChat Customer Service supports 5000 customer service accounts.
- Members can obtain the customer service connection link and configure it to official accounts or web pages, and customers can click the link to contact Customer Service.
4. Upgraded Open Capabilities
Contact Customers
- After members are added to Contacts, whether they are added through the channel homepage or live room can be determined by using APIs, so that customers can provide more refined services.
Partner Space Management
- Partner space contact rules can be queried, created, edited, or deleted through APIs.
WeCom Developer
- Individuals can become WeCom developers and provide third-party app services based on WeCom.